
it's all about Suki.

Parece que a Inglaterra está a tentar reconquistar o mundo. Pelo menos a nível de estilo. Depois do grande ícone de estilo Kate Moss e, mais recentemente, de Sienna Miller e Alexa Chung, apresentam-nos agora Suki Waterhouse, a nova it girl britânica.

Adoro o estilo [e o corte de cabelo] 'aparentemente despreocupado' desta modelo e actriz que é, actualmente, o rosto da luxuosa marca britânica Burberry.

Suki deixa transparecer um misto de inocência e rebeldia, uma despreocupação glamourosa difícil de alcançar e que lhe confere [e muito bem] o estatuto de it girl do momento. É impossível ficar indiferente aos outfits que escolhe tanto para o dia-a-dia como para os eventos e festas mais trendy.

Fiquem atentas e inspirem-se!

savage beauty.

love the color contrast. 

the perfect example of an [almost] total black look.

amazing texture mix that [really] works.

gorgeous hair and outfit.

more casual look. love the skirt.

amazing from top to toe. love the mix of colours and styles.

just perfect. my favourite look from this Burberry's collection.
images from google.com

It seems that England is trying to win back the world. At least in terms of style. After the great icon style Kate Moss and more recently, Sienna Miller and Alexa Chung, England show us now Suki Waterhouse, the new British it girl. 

I love the 'seemingly unconcerned' style [and haircut] of this model and actress who is currently the face of British luxury brand Burberry. 

Suki reveals a mixture of innocence and rebellion, glamorous unconcern difficult to reach which gives her [very well] the status of it girl of the moment. It's impossible to be indifferent to her outfits for the day-to-day and for the most trendy events and parties. 

Keep watching her and inspire yourself!

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